"AMERICA'S PASTIME" "Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball." Jacques Barzun, French Philosopher "Baseball is what we used to be. Football is what we have become." Mary McGrory, American Journalist Play Ball! FIVE GREATEST PLAYERS OF ALL-TIME (ESPN) #5 Hank Aaron #4 Ted Williams #3 Barry Bonds #2 Willie Mays #1 Babe Ruth THREE SKILLS OF BASEBALL 1. Throw the ball! 2. Hit the ball! 3. Catch the ball! BASEBALL BASICS Two Teams: Home and Away Team. Guests bat first. No clock: Nine innings . Each inning each team bats until three outs . No ties: Extra innings. Longest game: 33 innings (Rochester Red Wings v. Pawtucket Red Socks) Object: score the most runs (players running to home plate) The Baseball Diamond WHAT CAN HAPPEN AT BAT Base Hit (Single) A Double A Triple An RBI (Run Batted In) A Home Run A Grand Slam (home run w...